【National Designation:Natural Monument (Animal)】Japanese Skink (Kishinouetokage: Plestiodon kishinouyei)

Japanese Skink (Kishinouetokage: Plestiodon kishinouyei)

As indigenous species found across the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands, these lizards grow to be approximately 40cm in total length, making them the largest species of lizards endemic to Japan. The back side of this lizard is brown and the belly is a yellowish white. The head of a grown male lizard is large and wide. During breeding season, the male develops a brilliant red nuptial coloration on its forehead. At its early age, it has a dark purple coloring on its back with seven, pale white stripes, and the tips of its tail takes on a blue coloring. However, during its early stages, these lizards are similar in appearance to other species of the same genus, making them difficult to distinguish at first glance outdoors. The adult female lizards maintain their appearance from its early stages, which makes it easy to tell apart the males and females. Further, when the female lays its eggs, it is believed to stay in the nest for a while to incubate. They are often seen in scrub forests, on farm roads, as well as on relatively open areas like grassy fields and vegetation along the shores.
However, with the introduction of a variety of weasels in the outer islands, these lizards are markedly decreasing. (Designated without a specific area.)