【Designated by the City:Classical Literature】Tombstone of Ongawa Satonushi Pechin

Tombstone of Ongawa Satonushi Pechin

Built in the Bakumatsu period, this tombstone is old in comparison to other old tombstones found today. It is built with sandstone, measuring 62cm in height; 33cm horizontally, and the width at the upper portion is 5 to 14cm, and the lower portion is 17cm.

Inscribed on the tombstone from the upper-right are the characters: 支流長真氏恩河仁也、乾隆年間卒。向姓恩河里之子親雲上墓、同治十一年壬申在番同氏花城親雲上記. Lotus flowers are depicted at the bottom part. The words were written by Hanagusuku Pechin, an official dispatched here in 1872 from the King’s government in Shuri. He died from illness on February 14, 1874.
During his period of duty, numerous events occurred, such as the Taiwan Sogai Incident where 54 men perished including Chudo-uji Genan of Hirara, the shipwreck off the coast of Miyaguni, of the German merchant ship, the Robertson, and others. The annexation of the Ryukyu Kingdom also happened during his tenure of duty.
The tombstone is not directly connected to any of these incidents, but is evidence that Hanagusuku Pechin was sent as an official to Miyako Island, and is an important epigraph reminiscent of the incidents that occurred at that time of the Bakumatsu period.

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