【Designated by the City:Historic Site】Remains of Temaka-jo Castle

Remains of Temaka-jo Castle

According to folklore, a stone wall was built overnight by Toyumya, who threw rocks from Higashi-hennazaki in Bora, Gusukube. It is said that the wall which was 6 to 7 shaku tall remained until the Taisho period (1912-1926). However, much of it was removed to be used as construction material in the post-war era. The deity enshrined inside is called Yamatogamukiriunusu. Some say that the god was defeated and died after several battles with Kubaka-azu. The people in Ueno call him “Temaka-maki.” It is unknown whether “maki” refers to a pasture or a certain area.
Mr. Kenpu Inamura, a local historian, advanced a theory that the site could have been a hiding place of Wako (then Japanese pirates), and since then, the site is known as the “Remains of Temaka-jo Castle.”