【Designated by the City:Tangible Folk】Akana-gu


The enshrined god at Akana-gu is called Ueka-nusu, who watches over the smooth execution of state affairs and advancement of official ranks, and is a wonder-working deity creating a path to success and prosperity. According to a history book, “Miyako-shiden,” the 12 deities that Nenohanu-uma-tida gave birth to are enshrined at Ubaruzu Utaki (Ubaruzu-uraserikutamenauno-masu) in Ikema Island, Akazaki Utaki (Oyono-nushi) in Shimoji, Atsumama Utaki (Niirauputida-upuchoununusu) in Hirara, Pimaru Utaki (Pimaru-nusu) in Nishizatosoe, Akana-gu (Ueka-nushi), etc.
The shrine was renovated on May 20, 1965, and the torii archway and another part was renovated in 1986. However, it was rebuilt in 2007 due to risks of a collapse from subsidence and damage caused by sea air.。

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